Dance Studio

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Our Dance Studio and creative space The Loft offer great opportunities to try new activities, have fun and meet new people.

Bharatanatyam Dance

Saturday 1.30pm (Beginners), 2.30pm (Advanced)
Monday evenings 7.30-8.30pm (Adult classes) 

Come and learn the beautiful art form of Bharatanatyam, a traditional Indian Classical dance form originating over 2000 years ago from the temples of  South India. 

This beautiful and vibrant art form encompasses beautiful sculptural poses, rhythmic footwork, elegant hand gestures (mudras) and facial expressions to narrate stories of ancient Indian mythology. 

Classes are taught by Priya Bhawaneedin - Bharatanatyam teacher and choreographer trained at the Bhavan, London with over 20 years experience.

She has toured across the UK and overseas and teaches under the ISTD syllabus, the only accredited exam board for Bharatanatyam in the UK.

Classes are open to all, no prior experience needed. 

For more information contact Priyaji: T: 07531567390 Email:

Urban City Street Dance

Looking for the most dynamic and up to date street dance classes in the area?

Urban City brings weekly street dance classes for boys and girls of all levels aged from 5 to adult.

If you would like the chance to perform across some of the biggest platforms in Sussex or are inspired by the likes of Diversity and shows like Got To Dance, join us!

Mondays: 5-7 years: 4.15pm - 5pm, 8-12 years: 5pm - 6pm, 8-12 years: 6pm - 7pm

Tuesdays: 8-12 years: 5pm - 6pm, Teens: 6pm - 7pm

Further information see, email Sean at or call 0770 914 6493.


Held in The Loft - for details click here


Pilates for Beginners and Improvers with Felicity

Pilates focuses on posture and core strengthening, excellent for everyday functions such getting out of bed, putting your shoes on, emptying the washing machine, getting in the car... and a strong core prepares the body for any other type of exercise. 

Pilates can also help with issues such as back pain and brings the body back to its central axis point as much as permitted, bringing you back to your neutral alignment, balancing out seated jobs or exercise routines such as running.

Pilates lengthens as well as strengthens the body.  To train all your muscles, my class will exercise you in different alignments such as in standing, lying on your back, on your tummy, side lying, on your hands and knees, kneeling and seated, offering a mindful, balanced and detailed movement experience.

We will be using equipment such as foam rollers, massage balls, resistance bands and overballs.

I am a qualified Polestar Pilates Mat Work practitioner.

All welcome every Wednesday evening for 7pm

The cost is £10.00 for 60 minutes

Contact either via email or phone 07732116034



Our Dance Studio is available for hire for dance schools and other classes. For more details, call 01293 859945 or email