Join former Gulf War prisoner-of-war John Nichol, on a poignant journey in “The Unknown Warrior." This theatre show delves into the story of the Unknown Warrior interred at Westminster Abbey, representing the countless British soldiers lost in WWI with no known grave. Audiences will be captivated by haunting visuals and evocative soundscapes, retracing the Unknown Warrior’s journey in 1920 from the battlefields of Northern France to his final resting place. This moving and revealing production explores the concepts of sacrifice, camaraderie, and remembrance, promising an unforgettable evening for fans of 20th-century and military history.
“It is rare to find a tale so strange, intimate and human yet at the same time so enormous, so global in its importance. Yet again John Nichol impresses us with his ability to weave together the little details and the grand narrative.” - Dan Snow, Historian. Advance review of The Unknown Warrior – A Personal Journey of Discovery and Remembrance.
During his 15 years in the RAF, John Nichol flew Tornadoes in Air Defence and Ground Attack roles around the world. He and his pilot John Peters were shot down over Iraq during the 1991 Gulf War. Captured and tortured, they were paraded on TV, provoking worldwide condemnation, and leaving one of the enduring images of the conflict.
John is the bestselling author of 18 books, including Tornado Down (with John Peters), which describes their POW ordeal, and inspired an award-winning Channel 4 documentary. His most recent books, Spitfire, Lancaster, Tornado and EJECT! EJECT! have all been Sunday Times bestsellers.
John has made several TV films with Second World War veterans and is a widely quoted commentator on military affairs.
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